File Format:

We accept the following file formats: .TIF, .TIFF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, .PNG & .PDF.



After we receive your uploaded file(s), we will review each file within 24 hours (excluding weekends & holidays). We'll email you a digital copy of your images and if we find any problems with your files, we'll indicate it in the email with instructions as to how to fix them.  

*Prices include processing one set of uploaded files and creating a single proof*



All file formats must have a minimum of 300 dpi (dot per inch) resolution at 100% of the final print size. Wide format prints must be at 150 dpi.

Color Mode:

All color artwork and/or images must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) color mode. All black & white artwork and/or images must be provided in grayscale color mode.



Please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.25" bleed to each dimension. Please design your files on our templates to ensure proper bleed.

Download Product Guideline
